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Two Young Boy’s Ended Their Life in South Kashmir

Srinagar, May 23: A somber shadow has been cast over South Kashmir’s Anantnag district as news breaks of a young man taking his own life. The incident occurred in the Hangulgund area, where a 26-year-old allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself on Thursday.

An official from the district confirmed to News Agency Wattan daily that the youth, identified as a resident of Hangulgund Anantnag, was found hanging at his shop. The distressing discovery has left the local community in shock and mourning.

Immediately after the incident, the young man was rushed to Sub-District Hospital (SDH) Kokernag. Tragically, the medical team at the hospital declared him brought dead, further deepening the grief of his family and friends.

The motive behind this drastic action remains unclear. Authorities have yet to determine the reasons that drove the youth to take such an extreme step. The lack of an apparent cause adds to the mystery and sorrow surrounding the incident.

Local law enforcement has taken cognizance of the case and initiated an investigation. Officers are currently gathering information and speaking to those close to the deceased to piece together the circumstances leading up to his death.

This tragic event comes on the heels of another similar incident in the region. Earlier, a 16-year-old boy from Nagam area of Kokernag also committed suicide, highlighting a disturbing trend among the youth in South Kashmir.

The back-to-back suicides have sparked a wave of concern among residents and officials alike. Mental health professionals are urging for increased awareness and resources to address the mental well-being of young people in the region.

As the investigation unfolds, the community remains in a state of mourning and confusion, grappling with the loss of a young life and seeking ways to prevent such tragedies in the future.

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