Job Vacancies in krishi udyami yojana J&K, check eligibility

Krishi Udyami Vacancy 2024 in Baramulla
March 3 (WD) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the engagement of Krishi Udyami (KU)/ Agriculture Entrepreneur in district Baramulla. The vacancy details are as follows:
Vacancy Details:Name of Post: Krishi Udyami (KU) No. of Posts: 53 Vacancies
Qualification: Candidates must have a Diploma in Agriculture & Allied Fields or Graduation in Science (BSc), Graduation in Agriculture and Allied Fields (BSc/BVSc). Preference will be given to candidates with post-graduation (science/agri & allied) and computer diplomas/certifications.
Age Limit: Applicants must be between 21 – 45 years old as of the last date of submission.
Salary: The engagement is based on a self-earning/Entrepreneur basis. Details can be found in Annexure IV.
Job Profile:Successful candidates will be responsible for operating Kissan Khidmat Ghars (KKGs) under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme in Jammu & Kashmir. More details are provided in Annexure III.
How to Apply:The complete application form, as per the prescribed format, is to be submitted only in hard format. Applications can be submitted in person or through registered post to the office of Deputy Commissioner Baramulla.
Important Dates:Start Date: 27-02-2024,Last Date: 25-03-2024
For further details check the official notification given below:
Official Notification: