Anganwadi Recruitment 2023: Check Your 8th Pass Merit List Now

Empowering Communities: Poshan Project Rohama Unveils Merit/Selection List for Anganwadi Helpers Recruitment
In a significant move towards fortifying Anganwadi Centers, the Office of the Child Development Project Officer, Poshan Project Rohama, has announced the merit and selection list for Sahaykas (Anganwadi Helpers). Aligned with Government Order No.103-JK(SWD) of 2023 and approved by Mission Director Poshan, J&K Srinagar, this initiative aims to bolster community well-being.
Responding to vacant positions as per notification No. CDPO/Poshan/Roh/2023/1550-55, a meticulous selection process unfolded, resulting in the unveiling of Annexure-A, the merit list. Crafted in accordance with Government Order No.222-JK (SWD) of 2022, this list proudly showcases seven selected candidates as Sahaykas for specific Anganwadi Centers.
For transparency, the General Merit list (Annexure-B) is now public, welcoming appeals or objections within seven days of publication in leading newspapers. Applicants can file appeals in the office of the Child Development Project Officer, Poshan Project Rohama (ICDS) Rohama, against proper receipt.
Crucially, the announcement outlines that unmarried candidates will be considered only if no married candidates are available, adhering to guidelines outlined in No. SWD-ICDS/43/2022.
This proclamation underscores Poshan Project Rohama’s commitment to transparency and community engagement, encouraging feedback. The selection of dedicated individuals as Sahaykas promises to elevate the effectiveness of Anganwadi Centers in nurturing the well-being of the community’s children.