Will regularise Daily wagers within 30 days, if Apni Party comes to power; Altaf Bukhari

Srinagar 27 November. WD
In a recent interview, Syed Muhammad Altaf Bukhari, the president of Apni party, boldly committed to the regularization of all casual laborers within the initial 30 days of his party assuming power. Emphasizing this promise, he conveyed that swift action would be taken to address the longstanding issue surrounding casual laborers and issue of regularising Daily Wagers shall be resolved within 30 days, if Apni Party comes to power in Jammu and Kashmir.
This pledge gains significance against the backdrop of the persistent concerns regarding casual laborers that have dominated discussions for several years. Bukhari not only made assurances regarding laborers but also took a firm stance against the current government. Accusing them of deliberately manipulating tensions to secure their political dominance, he criticized the government for what he deemed as ‘joking with people’ and intentionally maintaining a tense environment.
While expressing satisfaction with the government’s proclaimed slogan of ‘Naya Kashmir,’ Bukhari also voiced his concerns. He commended the idea of a peaceful environment without strikes and stone pelting as a manifestation of ‘Naya Kashmir.’ However, he simultaneously launched an attack on the current government, asserting that the administrative management policies still harbor anti-Kashmir sentiments.
Critics of the government’s approach argue that it fails to adequately address the unique issues and concerns of Jammu and Kashmir, perpetuating a sense of alienation among the people. According to Bukhari, for ‘Naya Kashmir’ to genuinely materialize, there must be a fundamental shift in the administrative approach. This shift should entail policies that specifically cater to the needs and aspirations of the Kashmiri people, he asserted.
In essence, Bukhari’s commitment to regularize casual laborers reflects a broader critique of the existing government’s policies. Bukhari stresses upon addressing the specific challenges faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, laying the groundwork for a truly ‘Naya Kashmir.’