Start issuing computerized bills or face action, DM to chemist, druggist shops

Start issuing computerized bills or face action:- DM to chemist, druggist shops in Reasi
April 09 (WD):- District Magistrate Reasi has ordered Chemist/Druggist Shops & Wholesellers in Reasi District to start issuing computerized/GST bills for medicine sales within 15 days from this notice and failure to comply will result in legal action.
“It has come to the notice of this office that many Chemist/Druggist shops in Reasi District are selling medicines on cash payments and not issuing computerized/GST bills.” Reads the order by additional District Magistrate Reasi, a copy of which lies with news agency Kashmir Scroll.
“Therefore, through the medium of this notice, all Chemist/Druggist shops of District Reasi are hereby directed to start issuing computerized/GST bills within 15 days from the issuance of this notice for selling medicines failing which stern action as warranted under law shall be taken against the defaulters.” It reads further.(WD)