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J&K Government Terminates 4 Employees For Anti-national Activities

The Jammu and Kashmir Government has taken stringent action by dismissing four employees, including two police officers, a teacher, and an assistant lineman, for their involvement in activities deemed anti-national. This decision comes as part of the government’s zero tolerance policy towards elements involved in activities prejudicial to the state’s interests, particularly those linked to terrorism.

According to a statement from the administration, Abdul Rehman Dar, a selection grade constable, was found to be involved in transporting illegal arms and ammunition for terrorists. Additionally, he provided camouflage uniforms and other materials to them, exploiting his position within the police department.

Another police constable, Ghulam Rasool Bhat, was similarly implicated in supplying arms and ammunition to terrorists. Serving as a Kote NCO in the armory of a district, he facilitated the arming of terrorists through a network of Over Ground Workers (OGWs), linked to terrorist outfits operating from Pakistan.

The statement also highlighted the case of Shabir Ahmad Wani, a teacher, who was identified as an active member of the proscribed separatist group Jamat-e-Islam (JeI). Wani played a significant role in strengthening the organization and inciting unrest, particularly noted during the 2016 disturbances in DH Pora, Kulgam.

Wani’s ongoing activities as a hardcore OGW for banned terrorist groups, especially Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), included collecting information to facilitate terrorist attacks. His involvement in these activities has been documented through various FIRs registered against him.

The fourth individual, Anayatullah Shah Pirzada, an assistant lineman in the Jal Shakti Department, was associated with the Al-Badr Mujahideen, a proscribed terror outfit. Pirzada supported terrorists by communicating with commanders of the group and was implicated in incidents involving the recovery of satellite phones and hand grenades.

The government underscored its commitment to eradicating anti-national elements from its ranks, emphasizing that those involved in such activities will not be tolerated. This decisive action is part of a broader strategy to maintain security and stability in the region.

The dismissals reflect the administration’s resolve to address threats posed by internal actors aiding terrorism and to ensure that government positions are not exploited for anti-national purposes.

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