Online Transfer Drive in School Education Department Begins

The School Education Department of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a notification for the Online Transfer Drive-2024. The notification outlines the conditions, procedure, and preferences for the transfer of teachers, masters, lecturers, principals, and equivalent headmasters and ZEOs.
Eligible employees who are desirous of their transfer under the Online Transfer Drive 2024-25 are invited to apply online as per the prescribed format available on the School Education Department’s Portal. Employees serving in Zone I & II and having a mature stay of 3 years and above are required to apply compulsorily.
Employees serving in Zone III, IV & V having a mature stay of 03, 02 & 01 year, respectively, may also apply optionally. Employees having mature stay in Zone IV/V and willing to get transferred within the same educational zone can also apply.
District cadre employees can be rotated within Zone II, III/IV, except Zone-I, wherever required. Directors shall decide such cases keeping in view the requirement of academics, last three years performance of the employee, and enrollment in the school.
The academic staff like Principals, Lecturers, Headmasters, Masters, and Teachers working in JKSCERT & associated DIETs, JKBOSE, Samagra Shiksha, and deployed in various offices of the Department and having mature stay shall also compulsorily apply.
Employees seeking transfer on Medical grounds/Disability, Single-parent ground, and Security grounds can also apply within the same zone with documentary proof. Lecturers, Masters, and GLTs working in the surplus category shall also apply.
The RBA/ALC employee(s) and the employees appointed under SRO 202 and having completed the prescribed tenure on the post against which they have been appointed shall also apply. Officers working on Administrative Posts viz Principals, Headmasters, ZEOs, and equivalent and having mature stay as per Transfer Policy shall apply compulsorily.
Employees willing to serve in Zone IV & V can also apply irrespective of their tenure. However, they shall be given preferences as far as practicable. The Department reserves the right to transfer any employee anywhere on complaint basis and also on administrative exigencies.