Big News: Waiting List Restored for Government Jobs in J&K, AC Decision Reports: February 19, 2024, the Administrative Council, led by Shri Manoj Sinha, the Hon’ble LG, had a meeting. They decided to reconsider their previous decision from September 7, 2023. This decision was about allowing the creation of waiting lists for recruiting people into government jobs in Jammu and Kashmir.
During this meeting, they agreed to restore the provisions that enable the creation of waiting lists for government job recruitments. This means they withdrew changes made to various rules, like the J&K Civil Services Decentralization and Recruitment Rules, 2010, and others.
One important decision was to grant recruiting agencies a one-time exemption. This exemption allows them to create waiting lists within six months for selections made before the previous decision. However, this is only if the waiting lists are made within the validity period of the select list and if vacancies resulting from selected candidates not joining have not been re-advertised.
This decision has several benefits. Firstly, it will help fill job vacancies more quickly. Secondly, it will reduce delays in filling vacancies and save time during subsequent selections. Finally, it will give candidates the chance to secure employment before they reach the upper age limit.
Overall, this decision aims to improve the recruitment process for government jobs in Jammu and Kashmir and ensure timely employment opportunities for eligible candidates.(Wattan Daily)