Pakistani Cop’s Lad Killed Judge’s Son For Eating His Girlfriend’s Burger

In a tragic incident that unfolded on February 8 in Karachi’s affluent Defence Housing Authority (DHA) area, the son of a retired senior police officer, Daniyal Mir Bahar, fatally shot 17-year-old Ali Kerio, the son of a sessions judge, Javed Kerio. The altercation erupted when Daniyal discovered that Ali had consumed half of a burger intended for Daniyal’s girlfriend, Shazia, whom he had invited over along with Ali. The dispute over the burger escalated to a point where Daniyal, in a fit of rage, grabbed his security guard’s assault rifle and fired at Ali, who succumbed to his injuries while being transported to the hospital.
The investigating officer, Daniyal Mir Bahar, revealed that the trigger for the deadly confrontation was Ali’s alleged consumption of half of one of the burgers ordered by Daniyal for himself and his girlfriend. This seemingly trivial act of food consumption escalated into a violent altercation, resulting in Ali’s untimely death. Following the incident, Daniyal was apprehended by authorities, and he currently remains in custody awaiting trial.
The tragic incident has shed light on the consequences of unchecked anger and the potential for violence even in seemingly mundane situations. The use of lethal force over a dispute as trivial as the sharing of a burger has shocked the local community and sparked discussions about the underlying issues of privilege, entitlement, and the misuse of power.
The involvement of individuals from influential backgrounds, such as the son of a retired senior police officer and the son of a sessions judge, has also raised questions about accountability and justice within the justice system itself. Despite their privileged positions, both Daniyal and Ali were subject to the same laws, highlighting the need for impartiality and fairness in the judicial process.
The tragic loss of Ali Kerio has left his family and loved ones grieving and seeking answers. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of impulsive actions driven by anger and entitlement. As the investigation into the case concludes, the community awaits the outcome of the trial, hoping for justice to be served and for lessons to be learned from this senseless tragedy.