Weather update, Possibility of Rain or Snow in J&K,Check Details

Weather Update:No significant weather activity is expected until the 10th of March, with the possibility of light rain or snow at scattered places during the night of the 6th of March to the early hours of the 7th of March. However, from the 12th to the 14th of March, there is a forecast of light to moderate rain and snow at most places.
Advisory:Due to heavy to very heavy snowfall expected over some middle and higher reaches, travelers and tourists are advised to plan their journeys accordingly and adhere to advisories issued by local administration and traffic police.
The general public residing in hilly areas are cautioned against venturing into avalanche-prone and sloped regions. It is crucial to follow avalanche warnings and advisories for safety. Additionally, farmers are advised to resume farm operations as per the given weather scenario.
Meteorological Concerns:The mentioned weather conditions warrant careful planning and caution, especially for travelers, tourists, and residents in hilly areas. Monitoring weather updates and adhering to advisories is essential to ensure safety and mitigate any potential risks associated with adverse weather conditions, such as avalanches and heavy snowfall.