Sub Inspector posts Officially referred to JKSSB, Know all Details

Jammu, Jan 13 (WD):
The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has now Officially referred 752 Sub inspector Posts to JKSSB for Recruitment and the number of posts in each category are as:
- Vacancy Announcement:
Government of Jammu and Kashmir is looking to fill 752 Sub-Inspector vacancies within the Police Department. These Level-6C positions, with a pay scale of 35700-113100, are slated for direct recruitment through the J&K Services Selection Board. The distribution of vacancies is as follows:
- Open Merit (OM): 376 posts
- Scheduled Castes (SC): 75 posts
- Scheduled Tribes (ST): 61 posts
- Other Social Castes (OSC): 30 posts
- Residents of areas adjoining Line of Actual Control/International Border (ALC/IB): 30 posts
- Residents of Backward Areas (RBA): 30 posts
- Palhari Speaking People (PSP): 75 posts
- Economically Weaker Sections (EWS): 75 posts
- Reservation for Ex-Servicemen:
Additionally, 6% Horizontal reservation is earmarked for Ex-Servicemen in 45 out of the 752 posts. This allocation aligns with Explanation-A of rule 4 of J&K Reservation Rules, 2005, as amended vide S.0 127 dated 20.04.2020. - Call to Action:
Authorities are earnestly requested to commence the selection process for these vacancies promptly.

Download Official Notification here.👇