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Important Notice regarding Patwari exam Tomorrow

Due to adverse weather conditions resulting in the closure of the Karnah-Kupwara road, approximately 100 aspirants for the J&K Service Selection Board’s Patwari examination, scheduled for March 31, 2024, face significant hurdles in reaching their examination centers. Despite their efforts, the recent snowfall and rainfall have rendered the NH701 Tangdar-Chowkibal road impassable for vehicular traffic, leaving aspirants stranded in Karnah.

In light of this predicament, concerned authorities are urged to take immediate action to ensure the timely arrival of these aspirants at their designated examination centers. Given the impact on the future prospects of hundreds of aspirants from the Karnah Subdivision, an appeal is made for their airlift from Karnah to Kupwara on the morning of the examination day. Alternatively, a request is made to the J&K Service Selection Board authorities to consider rescheduling the examination for the aspirants affected by the road closure.

The closure of vital roadways not only disrupts the travel plans of aspirants but also jeopardizes their opportunities to pursue careers in public service. With the examination date fast approaching and no feasible means of transportation available, the future of these aspirants hangs in the balance, underscoring the urgent need for swift intervention to mitigate the situation.

As the community grapples with the repercussions of natural calamities, it is imperative for stakeholders at both the local and governmental levels to collaborate effectively in addressing the challenges faced by aspirants in remote areas. By prioritizing the welfare of these aspiring candidates, authorities can uphold the principles of fairness and equal opportunity in the recruitment process, ultimately contributing to the region’s socio-economic development.

In conclusion, a call to action is made to relevant authorities to expedite measures that facilitate the safe and timely participation of aspirants from Karnah in the upcoming Patwari examination. Their aspirations and dreams hinge on the collective response to this pressing issue, emphasizing the importance of proactive intervention to uphold the integrity of the examination process and safeguard the interests of all stakeholders involved.

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