Answer key of JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Released

Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has published the answer key for the Finance Sub Inspector (SI) examination held earlier today.
This release marks a significant milestone in the recruitment process, allowing candidates to assess their performance and address any discrepancies they may encounter in the provided answers.
The Finance SI examination, administered under the jurisdiction of the JKSSB, is a pivotal step for individuals aspiring to join the finance department of the state government.
Aspirants undergo rigorous preparation to excel in this assessment, which evaluates their knowledge, aptitude, and problem-solving skills across various areas pertinent to finance and accounting.
Candidates are encouraged to promptly review the answer key and report any concerns or discrepancies to the JKSSB authorities for resolution. Stay tuned for further updates on the recruitment process as it unfolds.
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