JKBOPEE Update: Admission Notification for M.Sc Technology Courses at SKIMS

JKBOPEE Admission Notification for M.Sc Technology Courses 2023 at SKIMS, Soura Srinagar
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination (JKBOPEE) has issued an admission notification for M.Sc Technology Courses 2023 at SKIMS, Soura Srinagar. This follows the earlier Notification No. 037-BOPEE of 2023 dated 12.07.2023.
Common Entrance Test Details
The Board will conduct the Common Entrance Test for M.Sc Technology Courses tentatively on 16.12.2023 at Srinagar only. Candidates are advised to check the official website [www.jkbopee.gov.in](http://www.jkbopee.gov.in) for the latest updates on downloading Admit Cards and other relevant information.
Exam Format and Syllabus
1. The duration of the Entrance Test is two (2) hours, comprising 100 Multiple Choice Type Questions. Each question carries one (01) mark, and there is a penalty of 0.25 negative marks for each wrong answer.
2. The course-wise prescribed syllabus for the Common Entrance Test is available in Annexure-A to this Notification for candidates’ reference.

Eligibility Criteria
– For candidates with B.Sc Technology: The test will be based on the specific branches studied during Graduation.
– For candidates with B.Sc/B.Sc (Hons) examination: The test will focus on core courses studied during Graduation.
Additional Information
The terms and conditions mentioned in various communications/notifications by the Government of India, Government of UT of J&K, and J&K BOPEE will remain unchanged.
For further details and updates, candidates are advised to visit the official website. Best of luck to all the aspirants!