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Tragic Road Accident Claims Woman’s Life in Central Kashmir

Srinagar, June 16: A tragic road accident claimed the life of a woman in Razwan area of Central Kashmir’s Budgam district on Sunday. The incident has sent shockwaves through the local community, highlighting ongoing concerns about road safety in the region.

According to an official from the news agency Kashmir Scroll, the accident occurred in Razwan Budgam when a trailer, bearing the registration number JK03F-5211, struck a pedestrian. The victim, identified as Khalida Ali Mohd Ganaie, was a resident of Razwan Budgam. The impact of the collision left her with critical injuries.

Eyewitnesses reported that the trailer was moving at a high speed when it hit Khalida. The force of the collision threw her several feet away, causing severe trauma. Local residents immediately rushed to her aid, but her condition was evidently dire.

Emergency services were called, and Khalida was swiftly transported to District Hospital Budgam. Despite the prompt medical attention, the injuries proved fatal. Upon arrival, doctors at the hospital declared her brought dead, unable to revive her due to the severity of her injuries.

The sudden and tragic death of Khalida has left her family and the local community in mourning. Neighbors and friends have expressed their deep condolences, remembering her as a kind and well-respected individual in the area. Her untimely demise has cast a pall of grief over Razwan.

In response to the incident, the local police have initiated an investigation. They have taken cognizance of the accident and are working to determine the exact circumstances that led to the tragic event. The driver of the trailer is expected to be questioned as part of the investigation.

This accident has reignited discussions about road safety measures in Budgam and the broader Kashmir region. Many residents are calling for stricter enforcement of traffic regulations and improved road conditions to prevent such incidents in the future.

As the investigation continues, the community awaits further details from the authorities. The loss of Khalida Ali Mohd Ganaie serves as a stark reminder of the dangers present on the roads and the need for ongoing efforts to enhance safety for all pedestrians and drivers alike.

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