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RTO Kashmir denies reports of No driving tests, issuance of licenses by private players

The Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Kashmir has firmly denied recent social media reports claiming that driving tests would be bypassed and that private entities had been authorized to issue driving licenses. The RTO, Syed Shahnawaz Bukhari, addressed these rumors in a statement to the Kashmir News Observer, labeling them as “entirely baseless.”

Syed Shahnawaz Bukhari emphasized that there has been no change in the procedure for obtaining a driving license. He stated unequivocally that driving tests remain mandatory and that no private stakeholders have been authorized to issue driving licenses or conduct driving tests.

Addressing concerns about the backlog of pending licenses, Bukhari revealed that approximately 1 lakh licenses have already been printed and are in the process of being dispatched by postal authorities. He acknowledged that there is still a 25% backlog of licenses that are yet to be printed.

The RTO’s clarification comes in response to widespread confusion among the public, sparked by the erroneous social media reports. The rumors suggested a significant alteration in the driving license issuance process, leading to concerns about the authenticity and reliability of the licenses.

Bukhari reassured the public that the government remains the sole authority for issuing driving licenses in the region. He reiterated that the established procedures, including mandatory driving tests, remain unchanged and firmly in place.

He also mentioned that the aim of his clarification was to put an end to the misinformation and confusion circulating among the public. The RTO assured that the transport department is working diligently to process and dispatch the pending licenses as swiftly as possible.

The clarification from the RTO has been welcomed by many who were concerned about the potential implications of the rumored changes. By dispelling these rumors, the RTO has sought to restore public confidence in the driving license issuance process.

In conclusion, the RTO’s statement serves as a definitive refutation of the unfounded reports, reaffirming the commitment of the transport department to maintain the integrity and reliability of the licensing process. The public is urged to disregard the false information and follow the established procedures for obtaining a driving license.

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