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Principal Attached for 12th Grade Zero Percent Result

The School Education Department has taken stringent action by attaching the principal of Higher Secondary School (HSS) Behrote Thannamandi to the CEO office, citing poor performance in the recently announced 12th standard results. This decision was made following a concerning report from the Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ).

The DSEJ, in an official order, highlighted the alarming fact that no student from HSS Behrote Thannamandi managed to qualify the exams. This unprecedented failure prompted immediate scrutiny and response from the authorities.

In a directive to all Chief Education Officers (CEOs) of the division, the DSEJ requested a detailed report on the class 12th results. The CEO of Rajouri district reported a dismal zero percent pass rate for HSS Behrote Thannamandi, where all 13 students who appeared for the exams failed to clear them.

The Directorate expressed serious concerns regarding the performance of the school’s principal. It was observed that the Head of the Institute had not fulfilled his legitimate academic responsibilities, which significantly contributed to the poor results.

Taking the issue seriously, the authorities decided to attach the principal to the office of CEO Poonch. This measure is intended to ensure accountability and prompt remedial action within the educational administration.

The DSEJ emphasized the importance of effective school management and academic oversight. They warned that such negligence would not be tolerated, as it directly impacts the students’ educational outcomes and future prospects.

In light of the zero percent pass rate, the department is likely to conduct further investigations and implement corrective measures to improve the academic environment at HSS Behrote Thannamandi. This incident underscores the need for dedicated and competent leadership in educational institutions.

The attachment of the principal to the CEO office is a temporary measure pending further orders. The DSEJ aims to send a clear message that educational standards must be upheld, and any lapses in duty will be addressed with the utmost seriousness.

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