Big Update Regarding Extension In Summer Vacation’s

Decision on Summer Vacation Extension to be Based on Weather Advisory
The Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) has announced that a decision on extending summer vacation will be taken according to the weather advisory.
The director stated that the department is closely monitoring ground and weather conditions.
The DSEK is in contact with the Meteorological Department to make an informed decision.
The director emphasized that the department is committed to providing free education as per the Right to Education (RTE) Act.
No fees are being charged from students or parents, the director clarified.
Regarding admissions, the director said that they are being done on a merit basis and catchment area.
The DSEK has received complaints about miscellaneous charges and is analyzing them, the director said.
A decision on summer vacation extension will be taken soon, and parents and students are advised to stay updated with the latest announcements from the DSEK.