JKSSB Extends Last Date for Supervisor Posts

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board recently advertised 201 posts of Supervisor across various District Cadres within the Social Welfare Department through Notification No. 02 of 2023, dated 08.12.2023.
The closing date for submission of application forms was initially set as 14.01.2024. Additionally, an Edit Option was provided, allowing candidates to modify certain permissible fields, which was active from 12.02.2024 to 16.02.2024.
However, due to a significant number of representations received from candidates, the Board has decided to extend the deadline for submission of application forms. Many candidates cited reasons such as failure to submit their forms on time or entering incorrect details as grounds for the request.
Consequently, the Board has acknowledged these concerns and deemed it necessary to accommodate the requests by extending the application deadline and reactivating the Edit window.
Therefore, candidates who may have missed the initial deadline or need to make corrections to their applications are encouraged to take advantage of this extension.
The revised deadline for submission of application forms and the dates for the reactivation of the Edit Option will be communicated to all concerned parties in due course through official channels.