JKSSB: JE Result Of Written Examination For The Post Of Junior Engineer (Civil) Released

JKSSB Releases Results for Junior Engineer (Civil) Exam: Document Verification to Follow
In a recent development, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has announced the results of the Written Examination conducted for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), UT Cadre, Public Works (R&B) Department. The examination, advertised under Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2022, Item No. 201, took place on November 19, 2023.
The provisional answer key for the written test was released through Notice No. JKSSB-COEDEXAM(UT)/89/2023-03 (7314803) dated November 19, 2023. Following the examination, the board diligently examined objections raised against the provisional answer key. Subsequently, the revised and final answer key was published under No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/89/2023-03 (7314803) on December 7, 2023.
In light of these updates, the result/scoresheet, based on the candidates’ performance in the written test, is now available as Annexure “A.” It is important to note that mere inclusion in the result/scoresheet does not automatically qualify a candidate for document verification or inclusion in the select list. Candidates must fulfill additional eligibility conditions, and the Board’s decision on this matter is deemed final.
Moving forward, the JKSSB will invite candidates falling within the consideration zone, determined by their merit in the written examination, for document verification. The schedule for this verification process will be notified separately by the J&K Services Selection Board. As candidates eagerly await this next phase, the board emphasizes the importance of meeting all eligibility criteria for successful consideration.