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ACB conducts raids on assets of DySP in J-K, HP in DA case

The Jammu and Kashmir Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) carried out raids on the properties of a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday. The raids were conducted as part of an investigation into allegations of disproportionate assets acquired by the DySP, including two hotels in Manali worth crores of rupees. The ACB is looking into the accumulation of assets beyond known sources of income by the DySP.

The properties being raided are located in Jammu, Kathua, and Manali. The officials conducting the raids are scrutinizing the assets to gather evidence related to the alleged disproportionate assets owned by the DySP. The investigation is focused on determining the extent of the assets acquired and whether they were obtained through illegal means.

The raids highlight the ACB’s commitment to combat corruption and hold accountable public officials found to have amassed wealth disproportionate to their known sources of income. Such actions serve as a deterrent to others engaged in corrupt practices within the government and law enforcement agencies.

The ACB’s efforts to uncover and prosecute cases of corruption demonstrate a commitment to maintaining transparency and integrity in public service. By conducting thorough investigations and taking decisive action against those involved in corrupt activities, the ACB aims to uphold the rule of law and ensure accountability among government officials.

The outcome of the raids and subsequent investigations will shed light on the extent of corruption within the ranks of law enforcement agencies and serve as a reminder that those entrusted with upholding the law are not above it. The ACB’s actions send a strong message that corruption will not be tolerated, and those found guilty will be held accountable for their actions.

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