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CCTV VIDEO,Youth Jumps Out Of Moving Train After Snatching Elderly Woman’s Chain

In a shocking incident captured in CCTV, a youth in South India snatched a chain from an elderly woman and leaped out of a speeding train. The disturbing video, circulating on social media, depicts the brazen act unfolding inside the train, raising concerns about passenger safety.

The incident occurred on Wednesday evening, March 13, around 7 PM. The perpetrator strategically positioned himself near the train’s door, evidently targeting passengers exiting the lavatory. As two elderly women passed by, one became the victim of the thief’s swift action.

Exploiting the narrow passage, the thief seized the opportunity to snatch the woman’s chain before daringly plunging out of the moving train. By leaving the compartment door ajar, he facilitated the crime, potentially endangering both himself and the victim.

The reckless act could have had fatal consequences for both parties involved. The youth’s audacious maneuver, while attempting to flee with the stolen item, risked not only his own safety but also that of the elderly woman, who narrowly escaped falling out of the train.

The presence of CCTV cameras inside the train, particularly near the lavatory area where the incident transpired, has sparked astonishment among internet users. While some expressed surprise at the existence of such surveillance on Indian trains, others highlighted its placement in all AC coaches for security purposes.

This alarming incident serves as a stark reminder for commuters to remain vigilant and safeguard their belongings, especially when wearing valuables like gold ornaments, while traveling on trains or other public transport. Heightened awareness and precautionary measures are essential to prevent such daring acts of theft and ensure passenger safety.


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